continuez_vos_reves’s blog

見たことのない、見てみたい、をグラフィックで作ってます I'm making a graphic that I have never seen or want to see

新型デリカD5 アクティブギア風

今回は、『三菱 DELICA:D5』のカスタムイメージを作成したので、ご紹介いたします。

デリカ D:5DELICA D:5、デリカ ディーファイブ)は、三菱自動車工業が製造・販売しているSUVミニバン型の乗用車である。フロントエンジンの1BOXミニバンの先駆けともなったデリカスペースギアの後継車であり、世界で唯一のオールラウンダーミニバンをコンセプトに開発されている車です。(※WIKIPEDEIA参照)



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This time, I made a custom image of "Mitsubishi DELICA: D5", so I would like to introduce it.


The Delica D:5 is an SUV/minivan type passenger car manufactured and sold by Mitsubishi Motors. It is the successor to the Delica Space Gear, which was a precursor to the front-engined 1BOX minivan, and was developed with the concept of the world's only all-rounder minivan. (* See WIKIPEDEIA)


Since there are few minivans that include SUV elements in Japan, it is a vehicle that attracts a lot of attention from former SUV users.


Like the previous DELICA: D5, I thought that it would be fine for the new model delica to have a specially designed vehicle "Active Gear" for outdoor use, so I created a custom image by CG processing.


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I will continue to post it on Instagram, Twitter, and Hatena Blog with the theme of "I have never seen it, I want to see it", so if you are interested, I would be grateful if you follow me. Thank you.






